Symposium post-quantum cryptografie
Quantum attacks threaten to break much of the currently deployed cryptography. Therefore, the affected techniques must be replaced by quantum resistant ones. Such a migration may take ten years or more to complete. To comply with legal and regulatory requirements, affected organizations need to act now.
Goal of the symposium
This is the first edition of a series of national symposia to discuss and inform about the necessary migration to so-called post-quantum cryptography. The symposium features contributions from Microsoft Research (USA), the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Rabobank, and the symposium initiators: the Cryptology Group of the Dutch Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), and the Dutch Institute for Applied Scientific Research (TNO).
"Act now, not later"
Cryptography is at the heart of internet security. However, much of the currently deployed cryptography is vulnerable to quantum attacks, which will become effective once large-scale quantum computers become feasible. Therefore, the affected cryptographic techniques must be replaced by ones that offer security against quantum attacks, a transition that may take ten years to complete, or longer. To comply with legal and regulatory requirements, affected organizations should act now.
What do you need to know - and what can you do - in order to continue your course of business securely? The symposium is aimed at higher management and security professionals from government, private sector, and industry.
Date and time
The symposium takes place Tuesday April 20, 2021, 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm CET as an online event (including an informal networking moment).
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Do not miss it! You can register via the red button on this page.
Keynote Speakers

- Brian LaMacchia (Microsoft Research, USA) Brian heads the Security and Cryptography team within Microsoft Research. He is a founding member of the Microsoft Cryptography Review Board and consults on security architectures, protocols and implementations.
- Aart Jochem (Min BZK) Aart is Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK). Prior to that, he was CISO and head of Security & Quality Office at the PGGM pension fund.
- Tony van der Togt (Min BZK) Tony is Senior Policy Officer on Information Security and advisor to the CIO of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK).
- Mischa Vos (Rabobank) Mischa is head of the QuantumLab within Strategie & Innovatie at the Rabobank, and member of the working group Quantum.
- Welcome and opening (Chris van’t Hof)
- Introduction (Ronald Cramer)
- Keynote 1: Getting ready for the post-quantum transition (Brian LaMacchia)
- Keynote 2: Pre-post-quantum crypto bij de overheid (Aart Jochem & Tony v.d.Togt)
- Short break
- Keynote 3: Why banks need to be on the frontline of security innovation (Mischa Vos)
- Q & A and panel discussion (speakers and moderator)
- Wrap-up and outlook (Thijs Veugen)
- Informal networking
Organizing committee
- Ronald Cramer (CWI & Universiteit Leiden)
- Serge Fehr (CWI & Universiteit Leiden)
- Maran van Heesch (TNO)
- Marc Stevens (CWI)
- Thijs Veugen (TNO & CWI)